Back home from Puerto Rico, I settled back into the life of work, and not too much photography. But there were still two highlights during the week: we opened an exhibition at the office by the well-known local artist Elio Rodríguez, and on Friday my friend Lars arrived from Denmark for his usual January visit.
I did a bit of cycling during the weekend of course, cycling to Agost and Maigmó, a fairly challenging 65 km ride with lots of climbing. On the way, I stopped, as I always do, in the village of Verdegás to look at the cats:
The road between Agost and Maigmó is a popular cycling route, so there are warning signs for the drivers, reminding them that according to Spanish law you must give a cyclist 1.5 meters when passing:
The other rule that the sign reminds drivers of is that it is explicitly permitted for two cyclists to ride side by side:
On my way back from Maigmó, passing under the motorway. At this point I have 26 km left, most of it downhill:
Our art club at the office has a small exhibition space which we want to use to display works by local artists, to strengthen the ties between our office and the surrounding community. The first such exhibition is “Jungle Sprit” by Cuban-born sculptor Elio Rodriguez who lives in the neighbouring town Elche. One day he came to visit us at the office (second from right):
Our gallery is small, so there is only space for a few pieces, but it is great to see our little art club being able to attract a well-known artist like Elio:
My friend Lars arrived Friday afternoon, and on Saturday we cycled to Agost, a nice 51 km with moderate climbing, to ease him into our hilly terrain after a year’s absence. Here he is, talking to his partner Winnie back home in Denmark: