Prowling my world, camera in hand

22 January 2006

Welcome to my weekly pictures!

Filed under: PAW — Administrator @ 15:51

Click on the links on the right (under Pages) to see the PAW (Picture-A-Week) for each week of the relevant year. The years since 2006 are shown here. My earlier PAWs, going back to 2001, are here. I used to provide technical information for each picture until some time in 2004, but now I don’t bother. I think it is of little value for the viewer to know what camera and lens was used. Either you like the picture or you don’t. In any event, since the vast majority of the images are digital, the EXIF data is somewhere in there.

Links to my other work and to other photographers involved in the PAW project are provided in the sidebar (you have to scroll down below the listing of the PAWs). Thanks for looking and don’t forget to let me know if you liked (or hated) what you saw!

Please note that every image on this site is copyrighted and may not be used for any purpose without my express permission. Please contact me if you wish to acquire any of the images you see here or at any of my other sites.

Here is what I look like:

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